The Book of Snow Read online

Page 5

“She? You mean it’s a …‌ a girl?” Flurry’s countenance wavered. “I don’t want a girl dragon!” Flurry exclaimed. At that moment, the reeyu licked him on the cheek. “Ewww! She licked me! Ick! Yuck! Dragon germs!” Flurry wiped his fur frantically.

  The little reeyu let out a miniature roar and pounced on the cub. Flurry was knocked onto his back, and the reeyu continued to vigorously lick his face. Everyone laughed. Even Honja pointed and giggled ‌—‌ which was a nice change for him.

  Tomodachi gave a slight hint of a smile, bowed to Flurry, and walked off. “We’ll have to saddle her up for you before we leave,” said Yujin.

  Flurry came out of the enclosure and tried to brush himself clean. “Leave? Can’t we stay for a while?” Flurry insisted.

  Lotora answered him. “Yes, we’ll stay here for a while, so we may rest and figure out what we should do next.”

  “I know what we should do. We should put an end to Jack. I did it before, and I can do it again,” Flurry confidently bellowed.

  Some of the other red pandas heard him, and they whispered amongst each other. One of them came up to Yujin and spoke in a concerned tone. “What’s this I hear? Are you mad? Nobody can take on Jack! It would be suicide!”

  The red panda would have continued, but Tomodachi returned and interrupted him. “Yes! Much glory! Honorable death!”

  “There aren’t enough of you to take on his entire army. He has at least a legion of polar bears with him in Ursidea, not to mention the army at Ursadoom. Nero commands Jack’s arctic fox division. There are entire nations loyal to him,” retorted one of the red pandas from the crowd which now stood around them.

  “Those nations are only loyal out of fear. They aren’t true allies. If enough of the kingdoms turn on Jack, the others will join in the rebellion, too,” Yujin replied.

  Another red panda chimed in. “This is madness! This can never be done! Even with an army! You forget that he has command over the ice and snow. He can turn any of us into a pillar of ice whenever he wishes to do so.”

  Many red pandas had now closed in on the debate and became involved in the grumbling.

  “Silence! We shall fight Jack, with or without your help!” Yujin bellowed.

  Tomodachi stood up, shouted, “Decision, made!” and that was the end of it. The conversation came to a close when Tomodachi stormed off.

  The evening came, and it was a very peaceful one at that. They were out of harm’s way for the time being. Residing down in the canyon gave them shade, and the mist from a nearby waterfall felt great when the wind occasionally blew some of the water in their direction.

  Flurry and the others were taken to a set of guest quarters; they were the nicest and most luxurious rooms Flurry had ever seen. The best part of all was the array of delicious food. Flurry could eat his heart out and die happy. He was in paradise. Even Honja appeared to enjoy himself. He nibbled on a big carrot that sat in front of him. Flurry caught him cuddling with it a few times, though Honja denied it.

  Lotora looked out the window and stared at the moon now risen over the canyon. Tomodachi stood outside the room with Yujin and discussed their plans. Lotora took note of their conversation and then entered the room to rejoin Flurry and Honja.

  “So what’s the name of this place? I want to come here again someday,” Flurry asked.

  “Does it even exist in your time?” Lotora puzzled.

  “Good question. I have no idea,” Flurry replied.

  “This city is named Ronin. It’s the last safe haven for the red pandas. Most of the warriors here are on their own. Many of their masters died in battle, fighting Jack. All of us have suffered losses from Jack.” Lotora’s eyes filled with tears.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Flurry asked. He ran over and gave her a hug.

  “Yes. I’m just recalling the memory of my husband and daughter.”

  “Are they okay?”

  “No, they’re not. Jack killed my husband, and I don’t wish to speak of my daughter’s fate. Now you see why we all live in fear, and why we need the hope of seeing an end come to Jack’s reign of terror. Your presence is the sign that we’ve all needed for so long,” Lotora explained and hugged Flurry in return.

  At this time, Yujin and Tomodachi entered the room. Yujin sat down across from Lotora and Flurry. She looked right at the bear cub and said, “Tell me how my father defeats Jack.”

  “I have no idea. I just know that he does. Doggy told me so,” Flurry answered.

  “And you’re sure of this?”

  “Uh huh!” Flurry nodded his head. He was very sure of himself.

  “First, we’re going to need all of the allies we can get. My father has already made a pact with the warriors here in Ronin. Tomorrow we shall head out to neighboring nations to ask for their help.”

  “You should ask for Santa to help, too!” Flurry interjected.

  “Santa?” Yujin replied. She was perplexed.

  “I think he means Nikolas Kringle,” Lotora added.

  “Nobody has seen him in years. I’d have no idea where to look,” Yujin answered.

  “Has anyone tried Ursus?” Flurry asked.

  “Ursus?” the red panda was still uncertain what Flurry meant.

  “He means the land of Mezarim,” Lotora responded.

  “Why would anyone want to live up there?” Yujin inquired.

  “Exactly!” Flurry replied. “That makes it the perfect hideout!”

  Tomodachi sat and listened. He looked at his daughter and spoke to her before she turned back to address Flurry.

  “Okay, my father says that he’ll focus on gathering forces, while the rest of us search for Niko …‌ I mean Santa. If we can find him, he’ll be a tremendous aid to our cause. I only hope he’s still on good terms with the elves. Not many think well of that man,” Yujin mentioned.

  “Very well, then. Let’s get some shut-eye. Tomorrow will be a big day,” Lotora replied, ending the discussion.

  The four agreed and called it a night. They would need their rest. Little did any of them know what was in store for them on the morrow.



  BOOM! The walls shook, and trumpets blared. Flurry flew out of bed. He was on his feet at such speed that you would have thought he had wings. It was a rude awakening from a peaceful night of sleep. BOOM! The tremendous sound of impacts echoed throughout the canyon. Flurry peeked out the window and saw red pandas scurrying in every direction.

  The chaos intensified with the deafening noise of collapsing stone. Walls crumbled into the water below. The thundering explosions resonated throughout the entire city.

  “What’s going on?” Flurry called out from the window.

  “We’re under attack!” shouted a red panda that rushed past, sword drawn.

  Flurry heard samurai in the distance shout, “Take cover! Another salvo is incoming!” BOOM! The floor rumbled and shook beneath the cub’s feet. In terror, Flurry watched one of the city walls collapse.

  Flurry glanced around the room. Honja hid under a pillow, but no one else was present. “Come on, Honja! We have to get out of here!” Honja refused. Flurry ran over and dragged the bunny away from the pillow. “We’re leaving, even if I have to carry you!”

  Flurry ran out through the open archway with Honja in his arms. Rocks fell all around him, and walls buckled. Many of the platforms and bridges were no longer intact.

  Flurry tried to speak over all of the noise. “I have no idea how we’re going to get out of this mess, Honja.” The cub frantically looked around for an answer when he heard reeyu hatchlings screeching and crying. Flurry ran to the gate of the enclosure and loosed them. “Go! You’re free! Go!” The reeyu infants ran out as fast as they could. Flurry looked around to find many of the reeyu adults dead. Tears formed in Flurry’s eyes, but he took in a deep breath and wiped them away. It was not the time or place to grieve; that would have to wait for later. Flurry knew he had to be brave. He looked up and noticed that the re
eyu traveled along the same path together. The cub followed the reeyu babies close behind. He thought they must know of a way out he was unaware of.

  Before Flurry got far, he heard another reeyu screech from behind him. He turned around and found his own reeyu. She stood by, already saddled. Flurry was pleased to see her. “Come here, girl!” he motioned for her to join him. The reeyu ran to him. Flurry got on her back with Honja still in his arms. Together, they rode after the other reeyu. The canyon walls collapsed all around them. Boulders crashed in their path, which forced numerous course corrections.

  Flurry had no idea what was happening, nor did he know where Tomodachi, Yujin, or Lotora were. He felt a tremendous amount of fear and uncertainty in the midst of such chaos. Red panda warriors continued to frantically run in every direction.

  The baby reeyu found a cliff-side path that went along the canyon wall. Flurry followed it, and hoped that it led to the surface above. Flurry’s reeyu ran as hard as her little legs would take her. In her haste, Honja slipped out of Flurry’s arms and slid down her tail. The rabbit hung on for dear life.

  They were almost out of the chaos when the unthinkable happened. A flaming boulder flew across the sky and struck the stone path. BOOM! The side of the cliff gave way and collapsed into the rapids below. “Back up girl, back up! You can do it.” Flurry patted her scaly hide, with the reins in one paw.

  The little reeyu managed to get turned around and ran back toward one of the city’s platforms. It appeared they would make it, until the remaining path gave way. “Ahhh!” Flurry screamed as he and his reeyu fell to the depths below.

  Honja, on the other hand, landed on the platform right when the reeyu swung her tail, which caused him to lose his grip. Honja dashed to the edge of the platform, looked down, and saw Flurry and his reeyu crash into the rushing waters. Tears filled Honja’s eyes as he scanned the river’s surface for any sign of them, but there was none.

  Honja felt lost and all alone. He had no idea what to do. The rabbit collapsed in tears, but soon heard a familiar voice from behind. “Honja!” called Yujin. She ran up to him and scooped him up in her arms. “Where’s Flurry?” Honja pointed down toward the base of the canyon. “Oh no!” Yujin responded. She turned around and shouted to her father. “We need you! Flurry’s in trouble!”

  “No! We go!” Tomodachi ordered.

  Lotora ran up behind Yujin. “I can’t find Flurry or Honja anywhere,” she said.

  “Honja is here, but Flurry fell into the river. The danger is too great; we can’t stay here. We’ll have to send out a search party later, assuming we can escape. Nero has Ronin surrounded,” Yujin replied.

  Lotora gasped at the news. She ran to the edge, and looked down at the raging rapids. While Yujin spoke, Lotora stood there and thought about Flurry. She knew that nobody could survive that kind of a fall, nor avoid drowning in a river that fierce. Lotora’s chin quivered and tears came to her eyes. She knew Flurry was dead.

  “Lotora! Come on!” shouted Yujin.

  Lotora snapped out of her trance. She turned to follow Yujin and Tomodachi. The trio climbed the rock face together. The only way out was up, now that most of the reeyu had fled or died in the attack. When they reached the surface, they were met by dozens of arctic foxes with swords and bows drawn.

  Nero approached. “Put down your weapons; you’ve been defeated,” commanded the white fox.

  Tomodachi refused to do such a thing. To give up would be dishonorable. It was more honorable for him to die in battle. He reached for his sword, but the soldiers swept in and took his weapons before they bound him and the others.

  “Look at you now! Not so tough are you?” Nero remarked cruelly. He punched Tomodachi in the face. “I would love to make you suffer for taking my arm, but I have orders from Jack to bring you in …‌” His voice trailed off, then after a sigh of regret he concluded his sentence. “…‌ Unharmed.”

  He looked Yujin over and then brought his gaze back to Tomodachi before he continued. “You’re lucky my master wants to make an example out of you, or else you would suffer my wrath. Making a spectacle of your failure should crush your foolish little rebellion.”

  With an evil smirk upon his face, Nero took a few steps away. He momentarily paused, turned back, and kicked Tomodachi in the face. In an angrier tone than before, Nero yelled, “And that’s for my arm!”

  “Sir! Our orders are to …‌” one of the foxes began. Nero shot an angry glance back toward his guard and barked orders. “I know! Take them away!” The other arctic foxes tied Yujin, Tomodachi, and Lotora’s ropes to the back of a cart. The warriors all gathered together and formed a caravan. The carts, horses, and troops moved west. Their prisoners were led by their bindings. If any of them were to fall, they would be dragged through the dirt.

  As the captives were strung along, Nero grinned at his evil thoughts and made parting remarks. “Enjoy your travels; we have a long way to go before we reach Ursidea. No worries though, Jack’s making a special trip to meet us along the way. When we reach Ursidea, I’ll enjoy watching you die the death you deserve, traitor! So you have until then to make your peace with whatever deity you believe in.” The arctic fox laughed maniacally and walked off.

  Nero saddled up and rode his horse out ahead of his company of warriors. Luckily for Honja, nobody realized he was there. The soldiers had removed all of the hostages’ belts, pouches, bags, and weapons and placed them in the carriage. They did not think to search any of it, so Honja hid in silence.

  While concealed, Honja debated what he should do. He was filled with regret over not being kinder to Flurry when he was still alive. The rabbit teared up at his thoughts of the horrors he had gone through, and he longed to be home with his mother. He prayed that this was merely a bad dream, and that it would all end soon.

  The caravan was now well on its way to Ursidea and had traveled many miles, but they were being watched. From a nearby cliff, red panda warriors from Ronin stood ready. “We can’t allow Tomodachi to be put to death. That will kill any hope we have of truly defeating Jack,” the lead red panda stated to the others that stood near.

  Another of the warriors replied to him. “We should continue to gather our forces on his behalf and round up as many as we can before they reach Ursidea. I surmise that we have at least a week or longer before they arrive.”

  All of the red pandas present nodded in agreement, mounted their reeyu, and took flight. They each split off in different directions.

  Back at the canyon, nothing remained of Ronin but ruins. Down below, the river churned and rushed by wildly. The foamy waves crashed against the rocks and sucked down anything that plunged into its grip.

  With waves bubbling violently, the water spun and turned as the torrent raced along its winding path. A scaly snout broke the surface of the water and gasped for breath. The baby reeyu was tossed to and fro as she fought to keep her head above the waves. The reeyu struggled to catch a glimpse of her bear cub master, but Flurry was nowhere to be found.

  The reeyu gasped for air, but she kept getting pulled under the waves. The current was so strong that she could barely muster enough strength to come up. Every time she sank below the seething surface, she found herself tumbling fiercely in the undertow. She did not know if she could make it much longer. She made one final attempt to get her head above the chaos before her strength was depleted. This time she spotted a large branch close by. The reeyu quickly latched on to the floating log for dear life.

  She rode the driftwood for some time before it wedged itself among some rocks. The reeyu climbed up from the log and onto the stones that protruded from the water at the riverbank’s edge. She leapt from one to the next until she was safe on the shore. Once upon solid ground, she collapsed from and passed out from exhaustion.

  When the little reeyu opened her eyes again, night had fallen. The stars twinkled brightly, and the moon gleamed from above. She felt a bit stronger. The reeyu decided that she needed to figure out what to do next. She saw
something on the river bank, only a short jog down from her position. It looked like another animal.

  She rushed down to investigate, and what she discovered was disheartening. It was Flurry, but he was nearly dead. He was not moving, and his breathing was very shallow. She came up and nudged him with her nose, but Flurry did not respond. She pushed him again; he showed no sign of acknowledgment. The reeyu licked him, since that always elicited a reaction from the young cub. Unfortunately, it was also met with silence.

  The reeyu cried and let out a loud screech. Her tears flowed down her face. She cuddled up next to Flurry and cradled him, but he did not reciprocate anything more than a faint groan.

  Flurry’s reeyu knew she had to do something, or else Flurry would die. She did not know what to do; she was only an infant. She really needed some help.

  The reeyu stood up, opened her mouth, and made strange sounds that were impossible to describe ‌—‌ only one who has observed a reeyu could understand.

  She vigilantly called out and screeched at the night sky, as if she were a wolf howling at the moon. This went on for an immeasurable amount of time, but then something happened.

  Out from the brush came many animals of every shape, size, and kind. There were rabbits, mice, deer, birds, bears, beavers, groundhogs, squirrels, and many more. The infant reeyu all had a special ability to communicate with the animals, and she called upon them for help.

  The beavers chewed down some trees while the deer helped to remove the branches. Bears came and moved the trees to make a bridge across the river. The birds flew off and returned with vines. Some coyotes drew near. The lifted Flurry up and set him, face down, on the reeyu infant’s back, while the birds used the vines to tie him in place so that he would not fall off. The squirrels brought some of their stash of nuts to provide food for the reeyu on her journey.

  The reeyu asked the animals where to take Flurry. They informed her, all in their own manner of communication, that she needed to take him to a hermit up in the hills of Ebongreene Forest.

  Determined to find this hermit, the little reeyu was now as prepared as she could be. She set off on her journey. Time was of the essence. She knew she had to find this reclusive individual if she were ever going to save Flurry’s life, which was now waning.