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- J. S. Skye
The Book of Snow Page 4
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Page 4
Flurry was so busy talking to Honja that he did not notice the raccoons had already started down the hill to the valley below. A loud shout broke. “Kawaii! Come!” Tomodachi commanded.
Startled by Tomodachi’s authoritative demeanor, Flurry jumped up, scooped Honja up in his arms, and ran after the caravan of raccoons.
Traveling was the hardest part about all of Flurry’s adventures. The land was so vast that it seemed to take forever to get anywhere. Simply going down into the valley and crossing an expansive meadow felt like it took the entire day. In the past, Flurry had something faster to ride on, like a wolf. Going on foot was excruciatingly slow, and the cub hated every bit of it.
A day and a half had now passed, and they were at a stretch of hills. The grass was orange instead of green, and Flurry was pleased that the company came to a stop so they could all rest. Flurry drank some water from a canteen Tomodachi had given him at the beginning of their trek.
Tomodachi, Yujin, and Lotora spoke with one another. Periodically, the three of them would look over at Flurry during their conversation. Flurry perceived that he was being talked about. Lotora finally nodded in agreement with the red pandas, broke away, and came toward Flurry and Honja.
“You two are coming with Yujin and me. We’re going to meet back up with Tomodachi later,” Lotora instructed.
“Why? What’s going on?” Flurry asked.
“We’re being tracked. Nero and his troops aren’t far behind us. Tomodachi caught sight of a scout no more than an hour ago.”
Flurry agreed to go with the ladies. Yujin let Honja get back into her pouch, and Lotora put Flurry in her backpack where she kept her book. The raccoon’s pack was very roomy, and Flurry could move around freely. Lotora and Yujin ran for a grouping of hills as Tomodachi gave instructions to the other raccoons.
Flurry and company were already at the hills when loud howls were heard. They looked back toward the group and saw three flaming fox creatures coming toward Tomodachi and the raccoon villagers. Flurry could not believe his eyes when he saw the event that unfolded. Tomodachi was a magnificent swordsman. Flurry’s jaw dropped open as he watched the masterful samurai cut down all three of the beasts. The raccoons, meanwhile, ran for their lives. Flurry had a greater sense of security now that he knew what Tomodachi was capable of. Flurry reflected on his last adventure with Chingu and thought that he and Tomodachi were alike in many ways, except that Chingu was nicer.
Nightfall came. Lotora and Yujin set up camp in the hills. It had now been a full two days since they began their travels. Flurry felt weary. “Are we there yet?” he whined.
“No, but we should arrive by noon tomorrow,” answered Yujin. She sat and sharpened one of her blades.
Flurry was a bit surprised. Yujin had not spoken much in a language he could understand. In fact, Flurry did not know she could speak his language so well, but all doubts about that had now been put to rest.
Being the curious cub he was, Flurry asked, “So why does it take both of you to speak to Tomodachi?”
Lotora chuckled and glanced over at the red panda. Yujin looked back and nodded with approval. It was her way of giving Lotora permission to tell Flurry what he wanted to know. “Well, Yujin and I speak the same language, but Tomodachi is from a different culture than Yujin. He knows our language too, but not fluently. Luckily, she can speak many different languages. So she can translate more clearly for Tomodachi.”
“Oh … but I thought all red pandas came from the same place,” Flurry replied.
“Yes and no. Yes, they all come from the land of Nallan Min. No, they don’t all share the same culture and language. There are many different clans, but three of these clans are the most prominent. Many of them have been at war with each other for generations. However, two clans found a way to bring peace. It’s mandatory in the culture of these two clans that each year a selected group of male members of one clan are given a wife from the female members of the other clan. That was their way to resolve generations of enmity. This new rule ensures that they’ll always be united. They have a big official holiday celebration every year.
“Now, the other clans, that’s another matter. Not all of them have made peace with each other.”
“I thought you said that Jack is killing off the red pandas?” Flurry inquired.
“Yes, he is,” answered Lotora.
“Then, why don’t they all get together against Jack, instead of fighting each other? Aren’t they doing Jack’s work for him?”
Flurry’s words impacted Yujin. She looked up and smiled. You could almost see a glimmer in her eyes. She turned to Lotora and spoke something in her native language. The female warrior then got up, walked over to her blanket, and laid down to sleep.
“What? What did she say?” Flurry insisted.
Lotora smiled and said, “She said that you remind her of her father. She’s quite fond of you and hopes that you’ll always keep this hope and bravery alive within you. It’s souls like yours that change the world for the better.”
Flurry did not know what to say, but he felt good about Yujin’s words. Flurry yawned and was followed by Lotora doing likewise. They all agreed to call it a night. Each of them picked a spot around the camp fire and nestled up under their blankets.
Honja and Lotora were fast asleep, but Flurry stayed awake for a bit. He thought about the past couple of days. He was beginning to feel more at ease and now remembered what it was that he loved about his adventures. Maybe tomorrow he could save the world with Tomodachi and stop Jack all over again.
Before long, Flurry found himself dozing off. No more sounds were heard but the crickets chirping and the fire crackling as the four slept through the night.
The next morning was off to a great start. The ladies packed up the camp and then headed out with the little ones in tow. As predicted, they arrived at their destination by noon. This particular day was hotter and more humid than the previous, so Flurry felt dreadful being in the noonday sun. However, they approached a town, which sparked Flurry’s interest because it meant he would have shade, food, and something to drink.
They arrived at the old town known as Cliffside Peak. This place was unlike any that Flurry had ever seen before. A massive rock cliff draped the entire town in its shadow. The buildings were stone with ceramic roofs. The canopies, curtains, shutters, and other decorations were all red against a very lush, green backdrop. The color of red contrasted the green splendidly and made for a unique-looking town.
The town had a variety of different animals, from raccoons, to mice, rats, and even chipmunks, which Flurry thought were so adorable — but not as adorable as he was. The town was a haven for pirates, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and other shady characters with even shadier occupations.
All eyes were on them as they walked the streets. Unbeknownst to Flurry, Honja, or even Lotora, Tomodachi had already arrived. He had left secret clues on where to find him. Only Yujin knew how to decipher his code. She and her father devised a secret method of communication long ago. The clues were strewn about by a ribbon here or a marking there.
Before long, they came to an inn. “This will do,” Yujin informed the others.
They entered and were met by the innkeeper. “We’re all out of rooms,” the keeper informed them. Flurry looked around. The establishment appeared to be empty.
“Surely you’re not.” Yujin softly answered.
“Well, that doesn’t matter. Even if I had any rooms, I’m not going to house a red panda. Jack Frost could have my head for something like tha …”
Before the opossum could finish his sentence, he found a blade at his neck. “I could have your head, too.” Yujin asked once more, “Are you absolutely sure there aren’t any vacancies?”
The opossum stumbled around to find his words. The innkeeper finally answered. “Oh, well what do you know? There is a room. I must have overlooked it.”
Yujin put away her sword
and handed the innkeeper a gold coin. His eyes bulged at the sight of it. “Where did you get this?” he asked with astonishment. He looked at Yujin with tremendous interest in her answer.
“That’s none of your business. Is it enough?” Yujin asked.
“Enough? This is a very rare coin. It’s enough to buy the entire inn!” answered the opossum.
“Good! I can trust you to keep your mouth shut, then?”
“Of course! You were never here. I saw nothing. Here’s your key. Go up the steps, turn left, and it’s the last room on the right.”
Yujin took the key and led her companions to the room. After entering, she locked the door and rushed over to the window to draw the curtains. “We won’t be safe here for very long. We’ll head out very soon. We’re only here to meet my father and figure out our next plan.”
“How will he know where to find us?” Flurry asked as he climbed out of Lotora’s backpack.
“He already has,” answered Lotora. She motioned with her head.
Flurry looked up and saw Tomodachi standing in the room. “How did you …?”
Flurry’s sentence was cut off. “Kawaii! No talk!” Tomodachi turned to his daughter and spoke with her. While they deliberated, Tomodachi’s ears perked up. He raised his paw, and the other two were instantly silent. A creaking sound came from outside the room. Tomodachi and Yujin immediately withdrew their swords.
“Kawaii! Hide!” Tomodachi ordered in a whisper.
Flurry grabbed Honja and clambered inside the wardrobe. They both sat quietly in the dark and peeked through the crack between the closed doors. The creaking sound was heard again. It appeared to either be from steps in the hall or on the roof.
Flurry did not have to wonder for very long. The door to the room burst open, and a variety of rodent opportunists barged in. “We’re here to take you in. There’s quite a bounty on your heads, dead or alive,” spoke the leader of the scraggly-looking band of creeps. He was a rat, both in appearance and actions. The rodent had his sword drawn and pointed at the samurai’s face.
Tomodachi huffed with amusement. “You sure ‘bout dis?” questioned the samurai.
“Certainly!” replied the rat.
At that moment, a swooshing sound was heard. Whatever happened, it was so fast that Flurry did not see it. The rat fell to the floor, dead.
“Next?” asked Tomodachi.
The other rodents cowered in fear. They each backed out of the entryway slowly before they turned and ran away.
“We’re in trouble! If they were going to turn us in, then Nero must already be here!” Lotora made her concerns known.
Yujin agreed, and walked out of the room with her father. They looked down from the banister and caught site of none other than Nero himself. The one-armed arctic fox stood at the entrance of the inn and questioned the rodents. The innkeeper looked up at Tomodachi and made a motion with his head to inform them to get out while they still could. Tomodachi peered down from the balcony at his enemy. One of the rodents pointed up toward the room. Nero turned. His gaze was met by his rival. An angry scowl came to each of their faces.
“That one, right there! He’s mine! Kill the rest!” Nero ordered his troops. He had a lot of backup this time. There were dozens of arctic foxes armed to the teeth with weaponry.
Tomodachi had a smirk on his face when he addressed Nero. “Missing some-ting?” Nero shook with rage. Their last battle in Coonlei cost him dearly. It was apparent Tomodachi was responsible for Nero’s missing arm.
The arctic foxes ran up the steps toward Tomodachi, but were met with Yujin’s blade. A heated battle broke out. The clanging and clashing of metal resounded throughout the inn. The innkeeper looked on in horror. He helplessly watched as his establishment got ripped apart. He clutched his gold coin tightly and hastily ran out of the inn.
“Archers!” shouted Nero. Within seconds, a division of white foxes came in with flaming arrows. “Light this place up!” Nero commanded.
Without hesitation, flames shot through the air at Tomodachi and Yujin. “Fall back!” Tomodachi ordered his daughter.
They both retreated into their room and pushed the wardrobe in front of the door. “We need to get out of here!” shouted Lotora.
“Indeed!” answered Tomodachi while he spread the curtains and opened the window. Tomodachi whistled loudly, and then turned to the others. “Come! Roof escape!”
They all climbed out of the window and onto the roof. Nero’s soldiers littered the streets. “Come!” Tomodachi shouted. He raced across the roof and leapt to the next building. Their fox rivals pursued from street level. Flaming arrows rained across the sky. The town was quickly engulfed in fire. From rooftop to rooftop they glided, with Flurry and Honja in tow.
Shouting and chaos broke out in the streets. Many of the town’s inhabitants were angry about their home being set ablaze, so they took out their aggression on Nero’s troops, which resulted in a full-blown riot.
Tomodachi took advantage of the much-needed distraction and leapt to the vine-covered rock cliff near the edge of the town’s roofline. Yujin and the others followed. They climbed the vines, desperately trying to reach the top of the cliff.
The climb was arduous and terrifying. Flurry wondered what was in store for them next. They did not have horses to outrun Nero’s army. However, Tomodachi seemed unconcerned about their predicament. Tomodachi whistled again. A flying creature swooped down low enough for the red panda and the others to jump onto its back. The winged beast caught them and soared over the burning town below.
Nero watched on in anger. He muttered to himself, “You can run, but I’ll catch you!”
The creature glided through the air so majestically. Flurry could not believe what had happened. Adrenaline rushed over him. “Yay!” Flurry shouted. Honja, on the other hand, hid in Yujin’s pouch. The rabbit made certain to keep his eyes covered at all times. He was not fond of the flight at all.
The beast had one set of wings to glide upon, four legs, and a tail. Its body was covered with a dense set of crimson-colored scales. The creature’s head had various horns that protruded outward. It reminded Flurry of a dragon, but smaller than what he expected.
Being the curious fellow he was, Flurry inquired, “Mr. Red Panda?” Flurry called out again and tugged on Tomodachi’s arm. “Where did this dragon come from, and where are we going?”
Tomodachi smirked and replied, “My pet. Go north.”
Lotora interjected. “This creature is a reeyu. They’re the most intelligent of all creatures. As infants, they can communicate with any of the animals. This helps them to survive during their early years. It’s unknown how they acquired this ability, though.”
“How old is this one?” Flurry asked.
“This is an adolescent reeyu. Only the greatest of the red panda warriors can ride an adolescent reeyu. Most of the red pandas commandeer infant reeyu, because they’re easier to control. Adolescent reeyu can be extremely fierce and difficult to break,” Lotora expounded.
Flurry could not contain his excitement. “Honja! We’re riding a dragon!” Flurry shouted. When he did not receive a reply, he looked into Yujin’s pouch and said, “Honja?”
Honja still cowered inside. He was not about to acknowledge Flurry in any way, at least not until his paws were on solid ground again.
Flurry gazed out in awe. He could see so far across the landscape below. It was like he could see everything at once. He had no idea how fast the reeyu was gliding, but they were making excellent time. The town they had left burning was now so far in the distance that not even the smoke could be seen any longer.
The reeyu swooped lower to the ground and glided in through a massive canyon. The river below roared loudly. The water wildly twisted to and fro through the canyon.
They progressed farther up the canyon. Flurry viewed a spectacle unlike anything he had seen before. A massive city was hidden in plain sight. It had been built into the walls of the canyon, and was beautiful beyond words.
Other reeyu flew around, and Flurry could see that the city was populated by other red panda warriors dressed similarly to Tomodachi.
The city was carved back into the rock face, and platforms had been built to extend out from the canyon walls for the reeyu to land on. Everything was intricately decorated, and the dark hue of green starkly contrasted the pale stone.
Their winged ride swooped down to a platform and landed gracefully. After it touched down, the reeyu knelt to allow its passengers to disembark.
Flurry climbed down, ran over to the edge, and looked down at the raging water below. A shadow engulfed the bear. He looked up and beheld another reeyu as it flew overhead. “Oooh!” Flurry exclaimed.
Honja was free from Yujin’s pouch. Flurry motioned him over. “Honja, come quickly! You have to see this!”
Honja shook his head and trailed behind Lotora. Flurry decided to join the party and skipped up to them.
“Kawaii! Come!” Tomodachi hollered to the bear cub. Flurry rushed up to him. The samurai pointed at an enclosure filled with infant reeyu. “For you!”
Flurry was shocked by his statement. He looked up and said, “One of them is for me?” Tomodachi nodded. “Yay!” Flurry climbed over the fence and patted the baby reeyu on their heads. Each reeyu looked different. They ranged in shape, size, and color. “I wonder which one I should choose.”
Yujin walked up and interrupted him. “It doesn’t work like that. Your reeyu will choose you.”
Flurry was giddy as could be. All of the reeyu were so adorable. Then one of them took a particular interest in him. This reeyu had a purple tone to its scales, and its wings were very small, barely big enough to do anything. It was unlikely that this reeyu could fly. It came up to Flurry, sniffed him, and rubbed up against him as if it were a cat.
“Looks like you found your reeyu,” Yujin informed the bear. “She likes you.”